Monday, 27 April 2015

RITE Planners Update #4 - Monday April 27, 2015

This update, like the previous, will be very brief due to other commitments.

Previous updates can be found here

Eastside Community Dialogue

ROYAL BC MUSEUM, 675 Belleville Street.  7-9PM

Victorians and friends in Saanich and Oak Bay, join us at the kick-off of the East Side Community Dialogues this Wednesday, April 29th 7pm at the Royal BC Museum.

The CRD has formed the Eastside Select Committee on Sewage Treatment and Resource Recovery with elected representatives from Oak Bay, Saanich and Victoria to engage with their communities and develop waste water treatment and resources recovery options that address their priorities.

On April 29th, 2015 the East side Select Committee will:
- share the process for public input over the coming three months
- answer questions on what has changed; and
- learn more about public priorities for waste water treatment and resource recovery through facilitated small group dialogues.

For more information about the process please
or email:

For more information about the governance please visit:

Other tentative events:
May 11-13  two day workshop
May 28 Options workshop
June Report back to public

Westside Public Events

Innovation Days where technology proponents present their solutions in three half-day workshops April 28,29,30; at Royal Roads.

Three roundtable events in May.  For more information on how to participate email

Siting and integrating a wastewater treatment facility into an existing neighbourhood
May 6, 6 - 9pm
Esquimalt Municipal Hall

Resource recovery
May 9, 10am – 1pm
Colwood City Hall

Cost and level of treatment
May 13, 6 – 9pm
Songhees Wellness Centre

Eastside Public Advisory Committee April 22 4:00 PM

The committee reviewed material to be displayed on the 29th and discussed a future survey.  Lisa Helps announced she will no longer chair this committee.  Vic Derman may step in from time to time.


Not enough time to provide much analysis this week.  RITE planners are looking forward to the public events and helping the process achieve significant cost savings and better environmental benefits.  

About RITE

The “R.I.T.E. plan” is more of a concept then a "plan" but it stands for Respectful discussion and process leading to an Innovative and Taxpayer friendly sewage treatment that is Environmentally beneficial.  To learn more visit our blog
or contact us at  or join our open Facebook group at

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Events April 28, 29 and 30, 2015

Next week are several events to attend.

Please consider coming to one or all of these events because this sewage project is THE largest infrastructure project in our region's history.  The fact is the old plan's full life cycle costs were over $2 billion dollars (20x larger than the Johnson Street Bridge project).   The RITE planners believe we can do this quite differently and reduce that cost significantly.

Whatever you believe, if you live in the region and value either how tax money is spent or the environment or both then come and participate.