Saturday, 11 April 2015

How many Docksides would it take to service the core area?

During the August 14, 2013 CRD Board meeting.  Jack Hull P.Eng., project director at the time, said that "the capacity of Dockside Green is 190 m^3/day.  When you divide that into the capacity of the McLoughlin faculty which is 107,800 m^3/day, you get 567 is the factor and at $4M you get over 2 billion dollars”  Source:

Staff and engineers are supposed to provide unbiased material to the policy makers and they should present the whole picture.  This expert just said it would cost 2 billion dollars to replicate Dockside Green and service the core area.  He was off by a billion.

The public is welcome to arrange for a tour of Dockside any time.  When you visit you can confirm the following:

Yes, the capital cost for the waste water treatment plant is about $4 million.
Yes the plant currently handles 190 m^3/day.
For an additional cost of $150,000 they can double the capacity to 380 m^3/day.

The engineer responsible for giving the CRD board expert information made a billion dollar mistake.

And this example includes more mistakes but we've proven the point already.

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