We are a very loose group of people comprised of
- waste water engineers and designers with several decades experience
- scientists with several PhDs on related topics
- land use planners
- community leaders
- journalists
- political candidates and sitting elected representatives
- engineers and geoscientists
- environmentally concerned citizens
- experts in various related fields
- plus a lot of regular people
The outcomes we want include;
- We must not take the pollution from the ocean (current situation), concentrate it, and then transfer it to the land or air.
- We must not breed and then distribute antibiotic resistant organisms nor their DNA.
- We seek an outcome that cleans the water to the level that it can be re-used in different ways or discharged into local waterways instead of still polluting the ocean with effluent.
- We seek to have this reclaimed water used to benefit the public.
- We are concerned about water shortages, just up island, and feel it is silly to waste water here, in the CRD, when our neighbours need it so much.
- We recognize that by cleaning the water thoroughly we are now left with all the toxins concentrated in the residual solids, the sludge or what the industry calls biosolids.
- We want to economically extract all valuable compounds possible from the residuals.
- The toxins in the sewage residuals must be completely destroyed and not spread on land. (Did you know that the current plan by the CRD is to ship the residuals up island to be “used beneficially”. These are the words usually used to say “spread on land”.)
- In addition, we want to convert the residuals into energy (energy equals money).
- We seek significant revenue.
- We seek significant cost savings.
We know that you care about our world. Over the next three months there will a lot of discussion about how to get this sewage project built, but this we hope it will be done properly. The failed CRD's plan was going to cost over 2 billion (yes billion) over fifty years. The RITE Planners know that alternatives exist that can do it a fraction of that cost and with real environmental benefit. The RITE Planners want those options to be fairly considered.
Keep in the loop by joining our FaceBook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/theriteplan/ or send an email to theriteplan@gmail.com and ask to receive our updates. Someday we might even rework the website: theriteplan.ca
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